Cinecittà World Roma World Aqua World

Dance events & recitals

If you're looking for a location or a theater to organize a dance event or a dance recital in Rome and the surrounding area, you've come to the right place! Cinecittà World is the perfect location for your dance recital. The park offers spaces, both large and small, all flexible and equipped with every comfort.

Cinecittà World provides the opportunity to plan and alternate performance moments with great fun, thanks to the park's 40 attractions.

Organize a site visit with our staff and choose the most suitable location.

Case History

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  • All
  • Internationals
  • Nationals
Eventi e saggi di danza 1

All Dance Europe

All Dance International, a leader in the dance sector and creator and organizer of All Dance World Orlando, Florida, USA, and Cinecittà World, invites you to the International Dance Championship, intercontinental edition.

Eventi e saggi di danza 2

World of Dance Italy

The World of Dance Italy Championship returns to Italy. The choreographic dance contest active in the national territory since 2015, part of the global World of Dance circuit, is coming to the Teatro 1 at Cinecittà World.

Eventi e saggi di danza 3

Campionato del mondo di danze caraibiche - Universal Dance League

At the Teatro 1 at Cinecittà World, enjoy three days of Caribbean Dance featuring the best national and international artists in the field.

Eventi e saggi di danza 4

Italia Pole & Aerial Contest

Italia Pole & Aerial Contest is the national Open event that gathers the best Pole and Aerial artists from Italy.

Eventi e saggi di danza 5

Yo Urban Dance Fest

The biggest urban dance event celebrates its tenth anniversary.

Once again this year, thousands of dancers will compete on the stage of Teatro 1 and Teatro 4 in a two-day event of choreographic competitions, workshops, and battles!

Eventi e saggi di danza 6

Bachata Day Summer Festival

Two days to dance and have fun with the best international artists from around the world:

Eventi e saggi di danza 7

Campionato Italiano ANMB

The 2022 Italian Open Dance and Ballet Championship reaches its 77th edition. The event is open to all dance and ballet schools, organizations, associations, and federations.

Eventi e saggi di danza 8

Rome Dance Competition

On the occasion of World Dance Day, we are hosting, in the multifunctional theaters of the Park, an event aimed at promoting and uniting the world of Dance Art in a 360° dance event, with two days of workshops and competitions.

Eventi e saggi di danza 9

Europa in Danza

Three days dedicated to classical and modern dance at Teatro 1 and Teatro 4 of Cinecittà World.

Over 18 instructors, auditions for international centers, workshops, competition (for soloists, duos, and groups), performances, and awards.

Eventi e saggi di danza 10

GIMME Dance competition

CSEN NAZIONALE, CSEN STREET DANCE, and SIGNS PRODUCTIONS invite all schools in Italy to the grand FINAL event, which has become a cult phenomenon in Italy since 2016, at the brand-new PALASTUDIO.


Contact us

Consumer events, music, dance, sport: Alessandra Zanca -


Tickets Parks + Hotel