Cinecittà World Roma World Aqua World

Event | Matematica per tutti - Evento Tokalon

Matematica per tutti - Evento Tokalon

from 5 april 2019 to 6 april 2019

Matematica per Tutti, the mathematics competition for schools, is coming to Cinecittà World.

The finalist schools will compete at the park in a two-day event where numbers will take center stage. Mathematics involves observing, constructing, imagining, experimenting, researching, playing, touching, storytelling, discovering, searching, trying, comparing, and solving. Matematica per Tutti is an initiative of the Tokalon association aimed at students from primary school (4th and 5th grades), lower secondary school, and the first two years of upper secondary school (1st and 2nd years). Which class will win the competition?

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